
The four days that I had in Tokyo was nowhere near enough time to make a dint in the masses of entertainment and tourist attractions on offer.

The Robot Cafe was one of the highlights of the Tokyo trip.  Way too much going on.  You even get a montage of photos here because I couldn’t choose one to describe everything going on.  Too many flashing lights, fluorescent costumes, sequins and glow in the dark paint.  AND Robots there were a few of them 🙂


A combination of massive crowds, Anime, sushi, shopping, Karaoke, electronics, walking, green tea Oreos, super efficient trains, clean streets, sushi and the Imperial Gardens filled the next few days.


Imperial Gardens


Asagaya Anime Street

Just a few people

Just a few people

My final night in Japan; My first game of baseball. I hadn’t realised how popular baseball was in Japan. When we booked our tickets there were only standing room tickets left but we somehow found our way to seats with a reasonable view 1/3 of the way through the game.


Go Jets

Eventually the fun came to an end with a 5am wake up, 2 hour delayed flight in Tokyo (thanks AirAsiaX) and a 7 hour flight I was back in Kuala Lumpur ready to start work the next day.

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